I tell stories

By day I’m a tech manager for a big university in Boston, fueled by cold brew coffee. Mostly I turn computers off and on again. By night I’m a novelist, fueled by fancy cocktails, typing away at my keyboard.

Novels, novellas, and short fiction

I write fast-paced fiction, stories about stalwart British Commandos, well-dressed vigilante assassins, and sword-swinging fantasy adventurers.

I’ve always been a storyteller. Back before I wrote pages of prose, I drew stories on sheet after sheet of art paper.

As a kid, I kept a big wooden trunk at the foot of my bed, secured with a lock and key. Inside it were stacks of five-subject notebooks, filled with stories and fragments of stories. Anything and everything that came into my head.

Now, I keep my fragments, along with notes from my journal, cocktail recipes, pictures of vintage watches, cats, anything and everything that comes into my head, right here.

And you’re welcome to have a look around.
