Not Dead, Just Reloading

Sorry I've been a little quiet lately, there are a number of irons in the fire and I'm trying to keep them all nice and toasty. Here are a few of the things I've got cooking for PMP in the next few weeks:
  • I've got to write a review of Lee Goldberg's excellent 80's vigilante thriller Judgment.
  • A review of James Reasoner's long-lost 80's thriller Diamondback needs a-writing.
  • I read and need to write about Jack Murphy's excellent military thriller Reflexive Fire.
  • Gotta read and review a couple of books put out by Granton City Press.
  • More discussion of my experiences using and enjoying the Kindle app on my iPod and iPad.
  • I continue to chip away at Killer Instincts, and begin R&D on my next novel.
There really aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week to get all this done; the more research and reviews I'm working on, the less time for writing, and vice versa. I did realize that I hadn't posted anything for a couple of weeks, so here's me letting y'all know that I haven't fallen completely off the face of the Earth!

Pretty Awesome Short Movie


Book Review: Lee Goldberg's New Series THE DEAD MAN