"There Is No More Deadly Weapon System..."

"...than a Russian with two AA-12. Keep in mind I am a professional Russian. Don't try this in home."

Automatic shotguns are great. Shotguns in general are pretty cool, and semi-automatic shotguns (SPAS-12, Remington 1100, Browning Auto, Benelli) are even more badass, but a shotgun that fires full-auto? That's like putting chocolate on awesome.

Back in the day when I was a wee lad and cutting my teeth on Able Team and Phoenix Force books, I loved how Carl "Ironman" Lyons had to have a weapon more badass than all his other combat buddies. While Pol and Gadgets were happy with their Beretta 93 Rs and their M-16s, Ironman had to have some customized Frankenstein M1911A1 .45 automatic with three-shot bursts and extended mags and suppressor, and his combat weapon of choice was the somewhat obscure Atchisson Assault Shotgun, a weapon designed in 1972. This is the original AA-12:

But the weapon has been redesigned into what you see in the YouTube video. This is one sick shotgun, and I can see now why Ironman loved running around with it, turning bad guys into sausage meat.

Apparently the spirit of Carl Lyons was ported into Actor Terry Crews when his character started kicking ass in The Expendables, blasting away bad guys by the bucketful (and you'll need a bucket to cart them away after he's done, believe me...). Here's some shotgun action from the movie:

One of these days I need to get my hands on an AA-12 and wreck crap with it. And hey, shotgun ammo is cheaper when you buy in bulk...right?

Teaser For My Next Writing Project


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