Vintage Able Team and The Rat Bastards Arrived Today

Thanks to Amazon's used bookseller connections, I'm able to find a lot of old titles you can't seem to find anywhere else. After reading a couple of volumes from The Sergeant series, I decided I needed to hunt down The Rat Bastards, which is apparently written by the same guy who wrote The Sergeant, just under another pen name.

I also decided I needed to get more of the early Able Team novels. Truth be told, my love affair with "Post Modern Pulp Fiction" began when, as a junior high school student, I discovered that a small lot of Able Team and Phoenix Force novels were tucked away in our junior high school library (I cannot even fathom how that'd be possible these days). I started reading the Able Team novels, and was immediately hooked. I remember giving a book report on one of them, and let's just say if that had happened today, I'd probably have been kicked out of school, only to find myself in a counselor's office the next day. Thankfully this was the late 80's, no one had yet heard of Columbine, and I could enjoy the blood-soaked adventures of Ironman, Politician, and Gadgets to my heart's content.

Once I finish the current novel I'm reading, I'm going to have to dive into that Able Team title. I'm fairly certain I read Justice by Fire back in the day (I believe it was volumes 4 through 8), but it's no doubt been at least 20 years. Good times, good times...

Crime Is A Disease. Meet The Cure.


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