Jack Murphy's Reflexive Fire Coming This Week

Former US Army Special Forces Sergeant Jack Murphy's debut novel, Reflexive Fire, will be hitting Amazon's Kindle store this week.  I've read Reflexive Fire, and it is one of the coolest, hardest-hitting military action thrillers I've read in a long while.  Think a mix of 80's anti-terror commando novels a la Phoenix Force or Able Team, mixed with some Tom Clancy techno-thriller (only fun to read) and sprinkle on a little bit of the computer game Deus Ex, and you'll come close to what Jack has achieved with this novel.

Books like Reflexive Fire are what independent e-publishing is all about.  This isn't "Amazon Spam", or "The Drivel of the Masses", this is a solid, well-written novel that is a true pleasure to read, and it's going to be published without any gatekeepers, without any ivory towers, and with the majority of the profits going into Jack's worthy hands.  Exactly as it should be in this day and age.

This is the action-adventure renaissance I am championing with the release of Hatchet Force Journal.  I uploaded the file to Amazon last night; the Journal is "in review" and should be available in the next day or so.  As soon as it's up and ready for business, you'll all be the first to know.

Congratulations to Jack Murphy for his debut novel - I'm hoping to see many more to come.

Hatchet Force Cover Gets A Pro Makeover


My Decision to Price Hatchet Force at $2.99