Crawling out from underneath the Work Rock

So a couple of you might have noticed that, well...I disappeared.

I won't get into the gory details, but long story short, my tiny department of 3 dropped to a department of 2 (and, let's be honest, it's really more a department of 1.25...).  My workload and responsibilities increased a lot this fall, and coupled with a few other hiccups here and there, my time for writing, blogging, or really anything else that was fun went away.

But now, I think it is safe to say that if I'm not entirely back to my usual level of writing and posting, I'm making a concerted effort to get there.  I have a lot of editing work to do on my larger writing projects, and I've got a couple of short story ideas in the pipe.

I've also got a lot of book reviews I'd love to get out there, so hopefully this week i can put a few of those out for reading, and get the ol' Blogger grindstone milling away once again.

Gotta say, it feels good to be back.

Teaser Trailer for The Expendables 2


Hornady Ammunition Manufacturer Releases Anti-Zombie Munitions