Today and Friday: Rat Bastards #9-12 FREE!

Just got this announcement from Premier Publishing:

FREE Thursday 7/12 & Friday 7/13 - Len Levinson's (writing as John Mackie) infamous Rat Bastards series of WWII Pacific Theater war books 9-12 for Kindle. The titles speak for themselves. More coming soon…

The Rat Bastards #9: Do or Die
Death is in their blood!
The enemy wants them dead. Their own side wants them to shape up. They’re the Rat Bastards. They steal. Lie. Kill. And they never respect the rules. The stuntman. The Indian. The gangster. The bum. The most awesomely effective fighting team in the history of man-to-man mayhem. And now they’re all that stands between the Japs and their plan to retake the bloody Pacific island of Bougainville.

The Rat Bastards #10: Kill Crazy
The joy of killing.
The enemy’s plotting against them – while they’re tearing at each other’s throats! Malaria could lay them on their backs. Jungle fever threatens to strip their sanity. An army of death marches through bloody war zones looking to tear their guts out. But over the roar of grenades and the swish of Samurai swords you can always hear the spine-curdling battle cry of the guys who kill their way to victory…

The Rat Bastards #11: Nightmare Alley
War brings them to life!
Send them out on leave and they’re a ragged band of losers who will tear any town apart. Bring them back and they’re the most effective bloodletting machine the Japanese have ever had to face. The Rat Bastards. The Mps can’t bust them because the Army needs them to win the war. This time they’re faced with their bloodiest challenge ever, as the brass sends them on a trop to the closest thing to hell on earth…The Pacific war zone known as Nightmare Alley.

The Rat Bastards #12: Go For Broke
The twisted trail of blood!
Slicing and stabbing hand-to-hand for the bloody booty of war. Ramming a hijacked truck through the hell of enemy lines. Escaping over water made choppy by hot Japanese bullets. Defending a cave full of frightened American nurses from a brutal onslaught of killers. The Rat Bastards fight on, turning New Guinea into an island of savage slaughter. They’ll take on their own top brass, ten roll flat the whole Jap army. For them, war isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.


The Guns of KILLER INSTINCTS Part 3: The Paggiano Crime Family


The Guns of KILLER INSTINCTS Part 2: Secondary Characters