My New Publishing Imprint: PMP BOOKS

Okay, so it's not terribly original, but I felt that maintaining a consistency with the blog was important. From this point forward, all my e-titles will be listed on Amazon as "Published by Post Modern Pulp Books", and the PMP BOOKS logo appears on all the print copies. Notice is also given on the page with the copyright and so on in both the print and digital versions of everything.

These days, with the power that various DIY resources and social networking provides you, anyone can become their own small press, and I feel it helps to reaffirm that those of us who are not going down the traditional publishing routes can still create and distribute legitimate products without the stigma of it being handled through a "vanity press" or similar venue.

Below you can see the four trade paperback titles I currently have as part of the "PMP BOOKS" line:

Please Excuse My Terrible Cell Phone Camera Photo
And here are the backs of the three titles currently bearing the logo:

The Killer Instincts cover will get the logo in September when I begin to roll out other e-formats after the KDP Select license agreement runs out.

COMMANDO: Operation Arrowhead Available in Paperback


Thomas Jane Returns as the Punisher in DIRTY LAUNDRY