Hatchet Force Journal Ebook is FREE this Friday

I know it's a late announcement, but today (Friday) Hatchet Force Journal #1 is free for the Kindle on Amazon. If you don't have a Kindle, you can still get it and read it online through Amazon's Cloud Reader or any mobile device's Kindle app.

This promotion week has been really impressive. I've had well over a thousand downloads of my various titles, and that's a thousand potential new readers and customers. I'm really impressed with how quickly and easily people who I'm sure have never even heard of me can find my works and pick them up.

Sometime in the next week or two I will have a promotion day for COMMANDO: Operation Arrowhead. When I do, I'll be sure to announce it ahead of time.

Short Story Review: The Killing Question by Mark Allen


NANOK and the Tower of Sorrows is Free for Kindle Today