My Short Fiction is Free This Weekend

I've put all four of my short works on free promotion status this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This includes:

They're all available via the links on the right hand side of the blog. Except for The Train to Calais, which has enjoyed surprising popularity thanks to its association with the Commando books, the other short stories have sold poorly, despite all-round positive reviews. I suppose I shouldn't worry too terribly, since the novels are now my bread and butter, so these promotion days are more for the sake of fishing for new readers with my short fiction, in the hopes of catching folks who would be interested in my novels.

If you haven't picked any of these up yet, please take a look and give one (or all) of them a try. Can you beat free? Well, I'm not going to pay you to read 'em, so free is as good as it's going to get.

Movie Review - The Wolverine (2013)


Movie Review - Snitch (2013)