A Short Video on the Gun Industry

Those of you who follow this blog know that I have a love affair with guns. Although here in Boston I don't own one, we have a number back home, and I do enjoy handling and shooting firearms whenever I get a chance. I love the history, the engineering, and the simple practice of testing my skill with a precision mechanical instrument.

Unfortunately, a lot of bad and/or deranged folks get their hands on firearms all too easily and cause a lot of mayhem in the world. Ignoring war and professional criminal activity, I think a lot of people die needlessly due to unsafe handling and safekeeping of firearms.

I try to keep this blog as apolitical as possible, and I'm not looking for a gun control debate. Instead, I was sent a link to this short video that discusses the business of the firearms industry, particularly how much of a big business it actually is. Of particular note, I was really surprised at the huge numbers of registered firearms dealers we have in the US. Not all of these folks are running "gun stores", but the numbers were pretty amazing.

Here's the video, from minutemba.com:

Created by OnlineMBA.com

There's Never Enough Firepower


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